Hi Girls it's time to tell you who won the November Challenge where had to do a card using the word Thanks , and that was neither square nor rectangular, As always we thank you for accepting give us each challenge and their creations, all reflecting his style and creativity, as we always do the draw for Random to give opportunity to all and the winner this month was Sueli with this lovely card, send me book to my mail? cndefreitas@hotmail.com

And thank you for your participation, each month choose between all the cards that show us the top 5 is difficult select only 5 between so much beauty, so that here are the top 5 cards for us! Remember that you can take the button to their blogs and say they were among the top 5 cards of the month in Blog SWEET CLUB CARD .

Colibri Scrapero
Now you can see the cards of all the girls who took the challenge, thanks to all for participating every month, and wait December morning the challenge that is sure to like a lot.
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