cultural diversity this time source
Let how many ways the software involved in us? And I mean that cultural invasion transforms our habits and perceptions (almost) without us account, connecting the world through information overload immune to fatigue (or at least some kind of fatigue we thought we knew).

should not delve too much into the question to realize that although we know not even plug in a computer, and software through us and is . We used to say: man is a compound of hydrogen oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine and potassium . Some time ago we know that software is part of the list .
Undoubtedly, the initial question is very tricky: software will never be a homogenous entity, but a territory dispute (a mark of power, which are still wary because we do not accept to be part of it. There is no case , we are still champions of social paranoia).

Directly or indirectly, every one of us uses and is used by some program (that Donna Haraway already knew this when, a quarter of a century, he published his so glossed Cyborg Manifesto ) and do not use phones, or you do ultrasound, or use any email service, Wi Fi, without going any further, it is increasingly part of the air you're breathing.
Of course, I'm not suggesting that there is no technological gap - unequal opportunities to access new technology called yet, "nothing further than that. Even Bernard Kouchner , enthusiastic Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, who never ceases to celebrate that within five years half of humanity (3500 million) have access to the web, can be seen concerned about the conditions availability. Undoubtedly prefer the free software to corporate, taking into account that this is an ideological war that goes beyond both (please do not stop reading the indispensable Crimes of reason, the Nobel Prize Robert Laughlin on wild abuse of patents).

What I try to point out is that not enough trying to shorten that gap, but more precisely follow rethinking and reinventing the virtual, how we affect it in both users and prosumers (something as critical consumers and active as producers-consumers-).
is known, Michel Maffesoli (who coined the term urban tribes ) recognizes the imprint of the Internet in new ways tribal. Ultimately floggers what would be without the web? If the network promotes other modes of sociability amphibious (they take place simultaneously in virtual environments and physical) is because these exchanges involve dynamic use exceeds that programmers may have anticipated. Are these new tribalism involving tribal and tribal program software?

obviously exaggerating, but it is increasingly clear that within the curricula requires basic literacy teaching writing source (instructional texts that make the operation of any computer.) Paraphrasing Lautreamont, the software will only be truly free when the source code can be done by everyone.

Addenda: few months ago (this year may have been one of the longest of my life) Daniel Molina asked me two notes to an issue of the journal Gazpacho of Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires. then released, due to space and editing-one my texts, leaving the other virtually unknown until today. More than ever it is a text-remix , a shift-differential foreshortening in which both synthesize and retake some of the research topics Cippodromo .
Put another way: the textual remix operating the most reproblematizar styles for a cultural object. The remix lifting not only cognitive but also and above all, as a way of action.
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