Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Period 7 Days Late With Increased Cervical Mucus.
Hi Girls it's time to tell you who won the November Challenge where had to do a card using the word Thanks , and that was neither square nor rectangular, As always we thank you for accepting give us each challenge and their creations, all reflecting his style and creativity, as we always do the draw for Random to give opportunity to all and the winner this month was Sueli with this lovely card, send me book to my mail? cndefreitas@hotmail.com

And thank you for your participation, each month choose between all the cards that show us the top 5 is difficult select only 5 between so much beauty, so that here are the top 5 cards for us! Remember that you can take the button to their blogs and say they were among the top 5 cards of the month in Blog SWEET CLUB CARD .

Colibri Scrapero
Now you can see the cards of all the girls who took the challenge, thanks to all for participating every month, and wait December morning the challenge that is sure to like a lot.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Blue Shirt And Black Tie
Your software is my biology Web
cultural diversity this time source
Let how many ways the software involved in us? And I mean that cultural invasion transforms our habits and perceptions (almost) without us account, connecting the world through information overload immune to fatigue (or at least some kind of fatigue we thought we knew).
should not delve too much into the question to realize that although we know not even plug in a computer, and software through us and is . We used to say: man is a compound of hydrogen oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine and potassium . Some time ago we know that software is part of the list .
Undoubtedly, the initial question is very tricky: software will never be a homogenous entity, but a territory dispute (a mark of power, which are still wary because we do not accept to be part of it. There is no case , we are still champions of social paranoia).
Directly or indirectly, every one of us uses and is used by some program (that Donna Haraway already knew this when, a quarter of a century, he published his so glossed Cyborg Manifesto ) and do not use phones, or you do ultrasound, or use any email service, Wi Fi, without going any further, it is increasingly part of the air you're breathing.
Of course, I'm not suggesting that there is no technological gap - unequal opportunities to access new technology called yet, "nothing further than that. Even Bernard Kouchner , enthusiastic Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, who never ceases to celebrate that within five years half of humanity (3500 million) have access to the web, can be seen concerned about the conditions availability. Undoubtedly prefer the free software to corporate, taking into account that this is an ideological war that goes beyond both (please do not stop reading the indispensable Crimes of reason, the Nobel Prize Robert Laughlin on wild abuse of patents).
What I try to point out is that not enough trying to shorten that gap, but more precisely follow rethinking and reinventing the virtual, how we affect it in both users and prosumers (something as critical consumers and active as producers-consumers-).
is known, Michel Maffesoli (who coined the term urban tribes ) recognizes the imprint of the Internet in new ways tribal. Ultimately floggers what would be without the web? If the network promotes other modes of sociability amphibious (they take place simultaneously in virtual environments and physical) is because these exchanges involve dynamic use exceeds that programmers may have anticipated. Are these new tribalism involving tribal and tribal program software?
obviously exaggerating, but it is increasingly clear that within the curricula requires basic literacy teaching writing source (instructional texts that make the operation of any computer.) Paraphrasing Lautreamont, the software will only be truly free when the source code can be done by everyone.
Addenda: few months ago (this year may have been one of the longest of my life) Daniel Molina asked me two notes to an issue of the journal Gazpacho of Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires. then released, due to space and editing-one my texts, leaving the other virtually unknown until today. More than ever it is a text-remix , a shift-differential foreshortening in which both synthesize and retake some of the research topics Cippodromo .
Put another way: the textual remix operating the most reproblematizar styles for a cultural object. The remix lifting not only cognitive but also and above all, as a way of action.
cultural diversity this time source
Let how many ways the software involved in us? And I mean that cultural invasion transforms our habits and perceptions (almost) without us account, connecting the world through information overload immune to fatigue (or at least some kind of fatigue we thought we knew).

should not delve too much into the question to realize that although we know not even plug in a computer, and software through us and is . We used to say: man is a compound of hydrogen oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine and potassium . Some time ago we know that software is part of the list .
Undoubtedly, the initial question is very tricky: software will never be a homogenous entity, but a territory dispute (a mark of power, which are still wary because we do not accept to be part of it. There is no case , we are still champions of social paranoia).

Directly or indirectly, every one of us uses and is used by some program (that Donna Haraway already knew this when, a quarter of a century, he published his so glossed Cyborg Manifesto ) and do not use phones, or you do ultrasound, or use any email service, Wi Fi, without going any further, it is increasingly part of the air you're breathing.
Of course, I'm not suggesting that there is no technological gap - unequal opportunities to access new technology called yet, "nothing further than that. Even Bernard Kouchner , enthusiastic Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, who never ceases to celebrate that within five years half of humanity (3500 million) have access to the web, can be seen concerned about the conditions availability. Undoubtedly prefer the free software to corporate, taking into account that this is an ideological war that goes beyond both (please do not stop reading the indispensable Crimes of reason, the Nobel Prize Robert Laughlin on wild abuse of patents).

What I try to point out is that not enough trying to shorten that gap, but more precisely follow rethinking and reinventing the virtual, how we affect it in both users and prosumers (something as critical consumers and active as producers-consumers-).
is known, Michel Maffesoli (who coined the term urban tribes ) recognizes the imprint of the Internet in new ways tribal. Ultimately floggers what would be without the web? If the network promotes other modes of sociability amphibious (they take place simultaneously in virtual environments and physical) is because these exchanges involve dynamic use exceeds that programmers may have anticipated. Are these new tribalism involving tribal and tribal program software?

obviously exaggerating, but it is increasingly clear that within the curricula requires basic literacy teaching writing source (instructional texts that make the operation of any computer.) Paraphrasing Lautreamont, the software will only be truly free when the source code can be done by everyone.

Addenda: few months ago (this year may have been one of the longest of my life) Daniel Molina asked me two notes to an issue of the journal Gazpacho of Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires. then released, due to space and editing-one my texts, leaving the other virtually unknown until today. More than ever it is a text-remix , a shift-differential foreshortening in which both synthesize and retake some of the research topics Cippodromo .
Put another way: the textual remix operating the most reproblematizar styles for a cultural object. The remix lifting not only cognitive but also and above all, as a way of action.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Why My Conventional Oven Burns Everything
PAPER piecing and a little gift!
The fun of this site is giving you ideas, designs are divine, there are challenges, I really love and the prices are reasonable! In these moments have the 25% discount . In addition to having an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to use this technique I recommend you go to this site and I will explain step by step how to make a teddy bear face! Here is an photic and Tutorial is very well explained.
The latter is my favorite, lol every Friday also give away a picture and tell them they have at present a 70% discount ! You explain that you can use software programs or cutting patterns!
Hope you enjoy! And let me comment a little message if you like to use this technique? Oops, I forgot I want to GIVE patterns, like the idea? Well comment me You can leave a contact form and command them 3 patterns or images! Until next time girls! Besitos
PAPER Piecing And A Regalito !
amigassssssssss Good morning my dear, as they are today? I want to apologize because I have not had the chance to see some cards of this month's challenge! Sorry about that, but today I dedicate to discuss their cards, Vale. Well today I want to talk about PAPER Piecing! I know many of you know this technique I love in particular.
"What is Paper Piecing?
paper outline is basically the use of paper and a pattern to create a graphic image with layers. Have often been asked: What tools are needed to make this technique? "Where can get the patterns or images?
What tools are needed to make this technique?
What tools are needed to make this technique?
Basic Tools:
· Scissors
· A pattern
· cardboard and / or papers with designs
· Glue Acid free
Tools Advanced :
· ; Scissors with fine Punta
· Colors
· Chalks
· Pens Zig Pens Gel pens or
· blade or X-acto
· Punches
· And other tools ( coir. Tapes, Eyelets, etc..)
"Where can get the patterns or images?
3 I strongly recommend particular websites where I seek my inspiration! Out of these options, they can always make your own pattern. Many scraperas enjoy creating their own designs (like the post that Carolyn introduced us two weeks ago, eSCelente technique). Is much slower to get a pattern already made, But I mention my favorites:
I love her designs and prices and best of all is that every Tuesday you can download a free image! ! ScrapbookEden
The fun of this site is giving you ideas, designs are divine, there are challenges, I really love and the prices are reasonable! In these moments have the 25% discount . In addition to having an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to use this technique I recommend you go to this site and I will explain step by step how to make a teddy bear face! Here is an photic and Tutorial is very well explained.
The latter is my favorite, lol every Friday also give away a picture and tell them they have at present a 70% discount ! You explain that you can use software programs or cutting patterns!
Hope you enjoy! And let me comment a little message if you like to use this technique? Oops, I forgot I want to GIVE patterns, like the idea? Well comment me You can leave a contact form and command them 3 patterns or images! Until next time girls! Besitos
Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Why Do I Get Zits On My Stomach
bows, ribbons, ribbon, monkeys .......
Hi tod @ s !!!!! Here I am again with my weekly post. Each time we are more of us in this "Club Card" and I'm very excited about it.
As the title suggests, the theme this week goes L scratches, ribbons, bows ... I do not know how many ways they are called, as they have different names in different countries. Can leave a little message saying as they are called and so we are expanding vocabulary speaking!!
¿Would you like to use ribbons and bows on your cards?? I love it. There are many different ways to make the ties, and today I have prepared a step by step explaining a simple way.
Hope you enjoy!
As the title suggests, the theme this week goes L scratches, ribbons, bows ... I do not know how many ways they are called, as they have different names in different countries. Can leave a little message saying as they are called and so we are expanding vocabulary speaking!!
¿Would you like to use ribbons and bows on your cards?? I love it. There are many different ways to make the ties, and today I have prepared a step by step explaining a simple way.
Hope you enjoy!
1 .- Here are the papers that I used to do a card beige card, a slightly smaller rectangle of red, one small rectangle of paper decorated with green dots, a piece of red ribbon and a card with so that I sealed with a tree. 2 .-
prettiest edges remain inked, but not required. 3 .- Inking
red paper.
4 .- I put double sided tape behind the decorated paper.
prettiest edges remain inked, but not required. 3 .- Inking
red paper.
4 .- I put double sided tape behind the decorated paper.
5 .- Mido piece of tape protruding from both ends of the red card.
6 .- This picture was before the other (ups!! Forgiveness) is for you to see as the role Pegaditas was decorated.
7 .- A little double sided tape to stick the tape back.
8 .- And here is the right once the ends glued from behind.
6 .- This picture was before the other (ups!! Forgiveness) is for you to see as the role Pegaditas was decorated.
7 .- A little double sided tape to stick the tape back.
8 .- And here is the right once the ends glued from behind.
9 .- Again behind sided tape (or glue that you use). 10 .- And
stick it on the card.
11 .- I get a little highlight tape from behind the little card decorated.
12 .- And the hit on the card.
stick it on the card.
11 .- I get a little highlight tape from behind the little card decorated.
12 .- And the hit on the card.
13 .- I make a simple loop (below is the video) and I cut the ends left over. 14 .-
... And here's a trick very good !!!!! ATTENTION If I put the loop over the tape would be rare tape back, so .... Ato
15 .- a piece of thread through the ribbon to wrinkle in the area where I'm going to stick the bow!
16 .- A dot glue or glue behind the bow and place it above the inclination giving we like.
... And here's a trick very good !!!!! ATTENTION If I put the loop over the tape would be rare tape back, so .... Ato
15 .- a piece of thread through the ribbon to wrinkle in the area where I'm going to stick the bow!
16 .- A dot glue or glue behind the bow and place it above the inclination giving we like.
17 .- To finish I decorated a little tree with a stikles the gold and purple (love)
18 .- And here is my little card completed. And the mini video
to make a simple loop:
Hope you like it and leave us your mensajito comment if you like using tapes, if you like the loops, as is told ties in different countries or what you will!
also remind you that there are few days to participate in the challenge of November, Be encouraged to participate! Kisses to
tod @ s and until next time!
18 .- And here is my little card completed. And the mini video
to make a simple loop:
Hope you like it and leave us your mensajito comment if you like using tapes, if you like the loops, as is told ties in different countries or what you will!
also remind you that there are few days to participate in the challenge of November, Be encouraged to participate! Kisses to
tod @ s and until next time!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Where Can I Get Clindesse
"And is that disinformation has no limits."
Myths and educational errors
Josep Toro
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
3.7v Lipo How Long To
"The Web is dead? Like any ecology, the network is compromised. Not so much a question of dualism or industries (other hardware, other digital) but ideologies: why are our worlds transit.
As Piscitelli says , welcome to this war. Like all Middle Earth , the web needs of prophets. Chris Anderson (Wired ) may well be one of them. In fact, their growing popularity can be a symptom (Take a moment and read this story ). I will not comment the cover of Wired explosive (which is not even news). But progress in the tautology of the title of this posting: if web is red, is also as web as a network trip. What we
all is not necessarily connected paradise. To our knowledge design your own travel guide and sketch our personal navigation critical theory may not be either, but certainly it is definitely more urgent.
The Web is a trip or more of the same.
A computer should not be a piece of furniture or an ornament. Nor does a tie or other appliance (a vacuum of information.) It may be a lie or an exaggeration Steve Jobs and Woz have dreamed of the first personal computers as the most devastating drug, as the most dangerous lisergia (the story is that IBM refused.) But I'm excited to feed that myth.
I am very nice to think of myself as one of the many failed consequences of digital psychedelia.
what would be the Enterprise , the Nautilus , the Mach 5 , the Millennium Falcon or Super Convertible Professor Locovich if your destination was displayed on a stand?
monuments are not (or at least they are not in the traditional sense) are living shells we propose another adventure.
The Mr Spock or Han Solo did not invent their ships. Rick Hunter is the creator of the Veritech but who took them further. A good driver converts the use of his ship. For no other reason still find it so famous Duchamp .
How far you can travel if you leave your room?
Raymond Roussel, gigantic traveler (did you see pictures of his early motorhome?) Ascribed to the myth of having traveled the world without leaving your cabin ( see the planet as an overextended sequence of ports from a porthole ) . With a laptop or a long time ago that your iPad Travel can be raised to the cube.
nonálogo not propose another, but rather five quick notes on what I understood at the time of travel web. I go by the verbs in the infinitive.
1. Reframing the media. Silly paradox: l or interests us is the music, not the instrument . You can have your favorite piano (with whom you feel more empathy) but what matters is what you do with it. Your fetish do not encapsulate. The site is part of your libido . In the most impeccable sense mcluhaniano, the web is our continuation by other means. How did Mara Ballestrini in Gutenberg Parenthesis "? , if our brain and is a remix machine, for then remixes! just do not see you live and direct, but I know from the network. to know who you are, you googling: your first letter is that I see from my laptop.
Over time I completándote from the web. If this site is as intimate as any other prosthesis, would be idiotic to assume that my perception of the world and the way others perceive me, does not depend on it.
Imprimile your style.
2. Do not stop, missing again. not park anything on Facebook. Neither the ten most visited portals. Conversely, peep my appetites wallow in the fluctuating identities blogs in the pants of thousands of twitters, in snapshots of Flickrs and fotologs infinite. The gestures may be repeated, can be tired, but we always open to others and others dynamite us with their divine pleasure details. We know: the difference between a traveler and a tourist is that the second is always thinking about going home. As Roussel in its original motorhome rather be my own snail .
3. Wonderland is everywhere. And in the least predictable. The most successful of the shortcuts are the core defects, the goal may appear where least expected. No better learning our intuition tags.
4. Age faster than the media. is something I think is pathetic cybercultures many ideologies. Give her time to the platform! If we measure both software and hardware from our damn impatient or insecurity of having something new to say every day, it is certain that as we're depriving invaluable resource. We must learn from Keith Richards : surely the best Telecaster have several decades of aging. The website never makes us wait.
5. Infoxication erotic. I will not lead sake. I recommend these two interviews Kevin Kelly (Wired other) performed by Andrés Hax . This is a ( click here) and this is another ( click here.)
"The Web is dead? Like any ecology, the network is compromised. Not so much a question of dualism or industries (other hardware, other digital) but ideologies: why are our worlds transit.

As Piscitelli says , welcome to this war. Like all Middle Earth , the web needs of prophets. Chris Anderson (Wired ) may well be one of them. In fact, their growing popularity can be a symptom (Take a moment and read this story ). I will not comment the cover of Wired explosive (which is not even news). But progress in the tautology of the title of this posting: if web is red, is also as web as a network trip. What we
all is not necessarily connected paradise. To our knowledge design your own travel guide and sketch our personal navigation critical theory may not be either, but certainly it is definitely more urgent.

The Web is a trip or more of the same.
A computer should not be a piece of furniture or an ornament. Nor does a tie or other appliance (a vacuum of information.) It may be a lie or an exaggeration Steve Jobs and Woz have dreamed of the first personal computers as the most devastating drug, as the most dangerous lisergia (the story is that IBM refused.) But I'm excited to feed that myth.
I am very nice to think of myself as one of the many failed consequences of digital psychedelia.
what would be the Enterprise , the Nautilus , the Mach 5 , the Millennium Falcon or Super Convertible Professor Locovich if your destination was displayed on a stand?

monuments are not (or at least they are not in the traditional sense) are living shells we propose another adventure.
The Mr Spock or Han Solo did not invent their ships. Rick Hunter is the creator of the Veritech but who took them further. A good driver converts the use of his ship. For no other reason still find it so famous Duchamp .
How far you can travel if you leave your room?
Raymond Roussel, gigantic traveler (did you see pictures of his early motorhome?) Ascribed to the myth of having traveled the world without leaving your cabin ( see the planet as an overextended sequence of ports from a porthole ) . With a laptop or a long time ago that your iPad Travel can be raised to the cube.

nonálogo not propose another, but rather five quick notes on what I understood at the time of travel web. I go by the verbs in the infinitive.
1. Reframing the media. Silly paradox: l or interests us is the music, not the instrument . You can have your favorite piano (with whom you feel more empathy) but what matters is what you do with it. Your fetish do not encapsulate. The site is part of your libido . In the most impeccable sense mcluhaniano, the web is our continuation by other means. How did Mara Ballestrini in Gutenberg Parenthesis "? , if our brain and is a remix machine, for then remixes! just do not see you live and direct, but I know from the network. to know who you are, you googling: your first letter is that I see from my laptop.

Over time I completándote from the web. If this site is as intimate as any other prosthesis, would be idiotic to assume that my perception of the world and the way others perceive me, does not depend on it.
Imprimile your style.
2. Do not stop, missing again. not park anything on Facebook. Neither the ten most visited portals. Conversely, peep my appetites wallow in the fluctuating identities blogs in the pants of thousands of twitters, in snapshots of Flickrs and fotologs infinite. The gestures may be repeated, can be tired, but we always open to others and others dynamite us with their divine pleasure details. We know: the difference between a traveler and a tourist is that the second is always thinking about going home. As Roussel in its original motorhome rather be my own snail .
3. Wonderland is everywhere. And in the least predictable. The most successful of the shortcuts are the core defects, the goal may appear where least expected. No better learning our intuition tags.
4. Age faster than the media. is something I think is pathetic cybercultures many ideologies. Give her time to the platform! If we measure both software and hardware from our damn impatient or insecurity of having something new to say every day, it is certain that as we're depriving invaluable resource. We must learn from Keith Richards : surely the best Telecaster have several decades of aging. The website never makes us wait.
5. Infoxication erotic. I will not lead sake. I recommend these two interviews Kevin Kelly (Wired other) performed by Andrés Hax . This is a ( click here) and this is another ( click here.)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Pokemon Cheats Gpsphone
Fernando has changed but not floor area. Between Paseo de Gracia and Rambla de Catalunya. There is ná. Saca
Fernando has changed but not floor area. Between Paseo de Gracia and Rambla de Catalunya. There is ná. Saca
the dog and it has established routines. Mea in store for Yves Saint Laurent and makes more water in Gucci.
As he says: do not know if you have a dick bitch or a bitch against the system.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Suburban Dynaline Owner
We are in a party. A woman makes a joke to a French woman, as she seems to not understand a clear him is a compliment.
- Pyrope? She asks.
-A-translates a compliment.
-A foil. En català. -Tries to help another. Word
-fire. From Greek pyros, fire, and word. "Says the Greek philologist.
I love etymology.
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