Your life as procrastinauta
Our life is an index .
as I say index listing the contents of a book .

peculiar, since it is only a metaphor you type in the immediacy of virtual time . Step explain.
exercise is a good plot to our lives as a file . An archive of files. The most advanced digital virtuality in our daily life generate more items (we have a will of others) to be studied. We determined the consumption of information we do and are available to other (the blessed index).
abound No more with the same, with the overextended use of networks and his usual procrastination. We spent hours and hours running around on the web and the truth is that everything is recorded . Someone can read your life with the thoroughness of you know is what you do hour by hour.

Many of you will know the severity freak writer Martin Kohan be noted that does each of the hours of his life in a diary: life written in real time. He is not alone: \u200b\u200beach of us unfolds that makes every minute of his life when it goes on the web (which is not a time for anything less.) speak memorial register.
You do not have more to look at the history of your browser (either Mozilla Forefox, Google Chrome, the Windows Explorer, the Opera or you choose). It is the tool that has left absolute precision what you do when you're on the web . I speak this
And now, today, mobile machinery, the iPhone, especially with the iPad ,
This "being on the web" is enhanced significantly .

The network is our shadow. We remain, is in your backpack or in our pockets wherever we go. announced what Eva & Franco Mattes Vopos your project, it's part of our routine. Not that these Italian artists are visionaries, but have long warned us " when you realize the file from their lives and be well stored in the disposal of other ."
Do we have to get paranoid?
That is not the key or should not be. What I think is that we have modeling paranoia in our favor.
As sons and a product of contemporary culture, we are addicted to information . All types of information. And this is not nothing but time use, social behavior modeling .

Until recently, a good way to investigate the sociability and cultural productivity of an individual was subjected to the test of Man in the rain . Should no longer be necessary. Now you can know how we are, what we define ourselves, simply by analyzing how procrastinate. The procrastination, of course, is compulsory. Part of a continuing desire for information, information as a drug to which we are all addicted .
A desire pornópata to see everything, to understand everything, learn everything. Of the lives of our friends and enemies, news of the world, everything I wanted to know and before we knew how to look, where to look.

information and I mean tons and tons of low information. De junk information, discard. All that we do not care to remember, to be dumped in the same instant. Is the information, once again, marking a new morphology of desire. a desire that is always culturally and that procrastination does nothing to feed and grow .
But there is something that our behavior is distracting and seem procrastinantes that digital virtuality is inscribed: generates files .
Everything goes through a network software is registered somewhere.

We are what we eat, we consume information. That is, we are also the information that someone may read. The habit (because this file is chronological develops over time, drawing an agenda that we do not control or no control at all) that we transformed into information. Mircea Eliade
: In every traditional society, any responsible gesture reproduced a mythical model, trashumano and, consequently, unfolded in a sacred time. The work, crafts, war, love, were sacraments. Reliving what the gods had lived in tempore illi translated by an overestimation of human existence thus completing the sacredness of the cosmos and life . (...) The real "down time" begins with the de-sacralization of work: only occurs in modern societies that the man feels a prisoner of his office. And it is because it can not "Kill" their time during work hours - that is, the time enjoying their true social identity by which strives to "get out of Time" in his spare time, whence the dizzying number of distractions invented by modern civilizations. "
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