For a new social ergonomics: the technophobes also have write blogs and emails
The geek defined in his love of fashion and technology undifferentiated (perfect tropes where again and agree on the most accurate confusion.)

The technophobe, meanwhile, is also objective in the same taste, but clearly preferred technology undetermined to an earlier time. Another way to take the vintage .
Are these issues that we confront not believe they stage a dispute disguised just what we mean by comfort ? It's something we try to disguise , but technology in all their faces (directly or indirectly) involves ideologies comfort. Ideologies that result and consumed, of course, in aesthetic proposals.
is the teaching of classical avant-garde artists like Picabia , Raymond Roussel and Duchamp : where is determined by technology, imposes an aesthetic.

Comfort: the ultimate goal of industrial technology is invisible. This is what happens with any appliance, it immediately naturalize, camouflages adding to the routines that we print. It became an element most of our decorated . Only once again on display when not working as we require. We know: technology becomes visible when it fails .
symptom of our cultural horizon: technophobic is not one who does not use the technology, but rather that they use (as often so intense), the despised. Another way to be fashionable.
For the longest time peak of any technology was the creation of robots. Even before the Czech writer Karel Kapek invented the name. The robot, as servant, not just a builder comfort.
Worst nightmare of technology, therefore, is but the perversion of that comfort. All versions of Astroboy , his fables, the state: nothing more horrifying than a comfort machines. The same terror
Asimov described in I Robot.

McLuhan If technology is our continued in these dystopias humans, by horrible investment, no longer just the extension of the increasingly self-sufficient machines. What would then be the task of art that tirelessly point out how strange it may be the machines? I'm not referring to anything other than their distortion: ejected from the everyday invisibility.
What else is the vintage? Pure reuse. An aesthetic that is clipped by definition visual modes present. If aesthetics is a way to appoint the time, the vintage involves the staging of another language. The vintage restart a way we were supposed to shut down, picks up the story at the same point in which our predecessors started to leave.

should not be nostalgia, but of trust in an aesthetic yet has much to say. In this sense, the pre-Raphaelites were vintage avant la lettre .
The scheme does not call or the utopia or its reverse, dystopia, but his cousin, ucronia . Raises questions about the likely and unlikely future of a plot we thought closed forever. The vintage desmuseifica making everything in a museum (paving the differences.)

digital virtuality (the reorganization of our imagination now vintage) is determined, in all cases, a hardware (basic condition of existence, least in our times amphibians). Hardware necessarily proposing a social ergonomics (the place where our bodies are virtual hosts while expanding). I can only remember that figure narrated by Michel Tournier's novel King of the Alders : the hipnódromo, ie the description of the bodies of sleeping children.
What is your body position right now as you read these lines? What new positions
experience as we take turns with our IPAD ?
more hours and interact in virtual environments are more sobredeterminante our positions for personal injury. How we see when everything is once and for all unplugged?
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