"We are competing in our inventory of new and yet ancient catastrophes? Why invent the canon? Why get rid of the boundless power of the gaze? How much do we observe our environment?

The canon is not nothing but a way of stressing the tradition: a ranking occasional mutable. A discussion item (long ago we learned that the hierarchies we serve primarily to organize internally why are seduced by some aesthetic more than others?
Behind every aesthetic articulates a strategy, although it is not quite perceptible In the first analysis. The tradition rescues, preserves and provides a map of these strategies: the world is not only what we perceive.
Of course, the view I wrote weeks ago to Ñ atomization realized by overexpansion of the concentrate we insist on calling canon. Adhere to the dispersion: I like my senses are lost.
Moreover, all the art that interests me insists this dispersion, the endless succession of clues that convince us that there is no way, but thousands and thousands.
This blog, for years, there was nothing that the staging of a catalog of poetic information. Because if the information is speech then it can not abdicate its style. Even the most ridiculous commercials has its style. Everyday life is pure aesthetics, beautician's where the gesture becomes redundant. Rancière's discuss with
: not that visual arts have been appropriate a word, let alone which have monopolized. But available in another state (in another dimension, outside the usual reception tunes) allow us to stop us, reinvent ourselves as readers.
fully agree with Jordi Carrión : the visual arts not only have we re-teach reading, but have a crisis in many other common models of reading. For starters, many of the more established literary models of the twentieth century.
My choice for the test as a way to interact with the world is not due to any circumstances other than: if fiction is in crisis is because the protocols already ceased to be effective. At least as effective.
Of course, the view I wrote weeks ago to Ñ atomization realized by overexpansion of the concentrate we insist on calling canon. Adhere to the dispersion: I like my senses are lost.

Moreover, all the art that interests me insists this dispersion, the endless succession of clues that convince us that there is no way, but thousands and thousands.
This blog, for years, there was nothing that the staging of a catalog of poetic information. Because if the information is speech then it can not abdicate its style. Even the most ridiculous commercials has its style. Everyday life is pure aesthetics, beautician's where the gesture becomes redundant. Rancière's discuss with
: not that visual arts have been appropriate a word, let alone which have monopolized. But available in another state (in another dimension, outside the usual reception tunes) allow us to stop us, reinvent ourselves as readers.
fully agree with Jordi Carrión : the visual arts not only have we re-teach reading, but have a crisis in many other common models of reading. For starters, many of the more established literary models of the twentieth century.

My choice for the test as a way to interact with the world is not due to any circumstances other than: if fiction is in crisis is because the protocols already ceased to be effective. At least as effective.
be why I choose-always-a Pynchon on Sebald : nostalgia is a speed that hinders. The ship crazed writer which only know four portraits (old) is not anchored in old ways of perceiving the world, but to reinvent the past as if it never happened. At least not in the same way.
"High, low? Aira Carrión quoted: "The really inexplicable is another shrine that mass media" . Where to begin and how to make the mass media? "The mass distribution involves what number? "Very much looks at a single point? In the eighties and nineties of the news only publications that necessarily glosses reached us late. In the instantaneous web consists of speeches virality contaminated digital information is nothing more than "another piece atmosphere, "to quote the eternal Federico Peralta Ramos.

Dispersion, distension. I am reminded of a story that I read my sister when I was in elementary school. For a tramp who lived in the open, "television was the starry sky." Is there anything less directed to a starry sky? Could it be that we keep thinking about the similarities of terms and concepts such as Canon and screen? Personal computers were a desktop screen. We should pay more attention to one of the top contemporary art ever written: the window (frame, the edge look) is a place as any.
Until recently, my way of operating the Cippodromo was removing the poetry of a very specific information (thickness of porn, the relationship between virtual and visual, between digital and perception, and web culture habit). Everything in the crossing of a specific temporality: the time is the time fluctuating Internet. the same time and the same fluctuations that are tearing our relationship with fiction. Public
least in this blog, post less. Does this mean that my time is less digital? What am I trying to reinvent my contacts with fiction?
The future becomes increasingly archaic, right where there is nothing more contemporary than the archaic.
Are we able to manufacture submersible computers massively resist any threat of tsunami?
least in this blog, post less. Does this mean that my time is less digital? What am I trying to reinvent my contacts with fiction?
The future becomes increasingly archaic, right where there is nothing more contemporary than the archaic.
Are we able to manufacture submersible computers massively resist any threat of tsunami?
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