How much different the ideas of limit and end? Unrecoverable How is the end?
As Frank Kermode reread ( The Sense of an Ending. Studies on the theory of fiction ) I think the effectiveness of these terms what it intended to restart so restart?

No other time was as much memory as this. Do not come back again and Borges Funes , but rather that we are stressed the hemispheres: how does remain, culturally, the operation RAM and data storage in our lives? How much belongs to us all preceded-stocked?
dedicate some time just observing the landscape I was storing files on my hard drive during the last 365 days. is, all that information that went through me, the so that it is . Folders within folders within folders, image files, text, video and sub-groups comprising both neighboring bits.

If a hacker trying to define what is in our digital closet what do you conclude? Wikileaks
brings into play the symbolic power of the public and private How much is our privacy in an era of global interconnectedness? If we're made of information what and how much of the information we produce is really private? "It is really healthy to be made of information quite public?
Consider this utopia (if it is a utopia, or rather hell) what would a society in which everyone could read everyone's mind? not understand these words as an attack on Wikileaks , nothing could be further from that.

the contrary, I am trying interrogated on the new order of our privacy we truly wish every one of our hours spent in a continuous CAM 4 ? Is it nice think our own Truman Show ?
Who are you to me if you only know you from Facebook? Public information are our consumption. Our applications. Our choices. For which of our consumption choices and we want to be remembered?
hate the obituaries. But this time I can not go back to Captain Beefheart , just leave us a few days ago. Thirteen
essential albums (even those he deemed expendable), dozens of paintings and drawings still appear as powerful as his voice.
In narratological theory of the iceberg model is in good health. never need to recount all Do you still have not seen Synecdoche New York of Charlie Kaufman?

A story is only a selection of gestures, a curator of events and profiles. For a narrative work (and were formatted) not all information should be available. If there is something we call pornography exists because it violates (force, stress) the boundaries of private and public. Sartre was adamant about " L'enfer, c'est les autres ."
distrust of the utopia of absolute visibility. Back to
accumulated files for one year. There are more than roads and tracks simultaneously. Are parts of a puzzle that can be reset in a thousand ways. Are part of the plurality that we composed. How are you going to arm myself this time? What if the hacker is to define ourselves by choosing the wrong files? What if we as hackers, we arm the other with the wrong files?

Are the titles we read in the library of someone who visited are exactly those that define what it is? Or what about those titles? Returning
porn. Intimacy is what we offer in entertainment?
What must have our privacy to be of interest to others? The show is the place where many turn their gaze. Why these many look there and only there in times of Long Tail?
Can not we choose our favorite shows?
Where we go every time we turn on our computer?
What is the website for us?
Captain Beefheart was just there, painting only in his workshop.
Today he continues to paint in my head, and that of many others.
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