How correspond purity and incontaminación?
Once again I find myself ardently defending uneven ( "another hint of Gombrowicz? ), that point where he reinvents dissimilar in their matches, in which the heterogeneous case best dialogues.

The misunderstanding is already installed. We should not remove it (how old would). Rather, our intention is always modulate. Small
boil. In my teens I think Nick Cave with Robert Fripp have been impossible. Today I hear in this video where disconnected as soon as trash blows. I still remember my delight when I discovered the work of Federico Peralta Ramos Berni and mummy. Now back to hallucinate with Yoko Ono with his son Sean , Iggy Pop and Lady Gaga. Yes, I'm Witch Was it not a beautiful performance of plurality?

I reread the text Fabio Kacero wrote to Vicky Colmegna (the dimension of conchetina Nemebiax Maestro).
wrote, proclamation and I continue as essayist that the best hypothesis is the most exaggerated . The more risky is a hypothesis, it becomes riskier development and therefore possibly more winding its results. E l bring to fruition the most impossible of cohabitation is still the kind of challenges that most excited me .
lies who says that a situation Charly García - Palito Ortega was unthinkable even a decade, two or three ago.

Once again, not just to bring disparities, but a proper functioning of that society.
to see. We call to style interaction and presence of a number of factors, whether procedures or stimuli . Each of us is a system, part of that. I mean, style (whatever) necessarily a cultural complex, a multiplicity, even a living. A model of coexistence: running multiple items simultaneously.
A performance that positions us in the world: do not recognize the other as we do reading your style? When we describe someone as we do not point to a style guidelines?

Everything can be analyzed according to their style. For starters, the autopregunta on the style of our eyes.
And when, a Again, it appears that questions the importance of art art is not perhaps the greatest laboratory of styles we know?
is not unusual to find that most what interests me is what is left. Some of the group is outside . Returning to art: the best, he comes to tell the difference. A detour. "does find the exact site Wonderland? Where is the mirror that connects its locations? If something Lewis Carroll taught us is that Wonderland is not paradise. If taught us anything is that Maurice Sendak in paradise likely monsters inhabit.
If the monster is recognized in the uniqueness of his show "we are not referring primarily to a style?
There is no doubt that a monster is also a system, like paradise. A set of heterogeneities. Style. This is the exercise: to analyze the ways of conceptualizing each style. In rethinking .

to focus carefully, to deepen. Few questions less complex than those that underlie the description of a style . It is an exercise in political and epistemological : it involves the history of art, cultural criticism, history ideas, the timing of fashion, sociology of taste, etc.
In the dynamic that is, always funny encounter purists. Closely watching what is it defending? A formula of interaction of elements? "A balance of stocks? Also what is a style but a link to get to another style? I spoke recently
exercises. A style is also an exercise, which is tested . And test is no different to compare effects. I wanted to finish with this: every style is unthinkable without a goal . A specific goal that goes beyond the needs already know: seduction, intimidation, persuasion , etc. Read and understand this goal remains one of the imperatives of our work.
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