The technology is there primarily to ratify the fiction
Plato's cave was the first great reality!
If I'm fascinated by technology (especially digital) is because the observed from an aesthetic perspective . Not that I design a special interest in visual seduction, but am excited to continue tracking the origin of any technology in a work of fiction after .

The technology exists to ratify a fiction. That is their role more attractive.
technology to generate a fictionalized transform your protocol. Skype We saw in the late sixties. Already existed in 2001 Space Odyssey. The role of aesthetics (as epistemology) is re-educating our senses. What we call technology also must be analyzed aesthetically.
What we call fiction ( the concept of fiction) is a modern invention. Like the concept of technology. There is no greater epistemological Giambattista Vico. The fiction is that granting a tradition.

And the sense of endurance and progress that guide what we call humanity.
disasters also happen before in fiction dystopias are called .
was the beginning of the vanguard. Not only the Futurists but Picabia and Duchamp began portray machines as if they were works of art. Unlike their Soviet counterparts, to those Europeans do not mind so much that their machines do not work . After all were pure representation. The machines became less invisible than ever. becomes mere fetish pure desire.
Warhol wanted to act like a machine. be seen as a machine. Oedipus Kraftwerk! Time passes and we're becoming more and more machines. Machines on stage.

watching machines machines.
When we enter a Metaverse Second Life as know we'll be seen as a design, as a purely graphical representation: as the product of a machine. Alberto Ginastera
asked Marta Minujín fantastic design for Bomarzo (opera inspired by the novel by Mujica Lainez Manucho ). Minujín presented with an invasion of televisions (TVs instead of musicians, rather than public TV). TVs "instead of Ginastera? In stages, the public rarely sees the musicians but by huge screens.
learned not to fear to mediation because we grew up with television . If Debord had been lucky enough to grow with the best television today would use much of our paranoia.

Art grew up with television and the other way too: the TV took a lot of art. If I had taken more of the emerging contemporary art, television would now be an interesting experience. For no other reason, before closing down the Visual Arts Center of the Instituto Di Tella Romero Brest tried to turn it into a television studio experimentation.
This was in 1969.
Around the same time that man walked on the moon.
And we saw on television.
And we doubt whether these pictures were actually moles.
What we call fiction?
A narratives out of time.
After all, talking about what happens on TV is at least one third of the contents of contemporary sociability.

A painting was not at all-since the Renaissance, at least, a screen? A picture is a screen this knew very well Rhod Rothfuss. The windows were the first screens. Bill Gates and Microsoft not be confused when they named their baby.
Pop Would there be no TV? Rather
pop would there be no reformulation of the imaginary television? Tom Verlaine
taught us that his initials were the key to his band, pioneers of punk, if any. It is not uncommon for one of my favorite groups in recent years is called TV on the Radio . Between them, Phychic TV, Genesis P. Orridge and TOPY
Our sentimental education is based on cathode rays.