About Otherness in the Web Era (post of postings)
How much do you virtualize the web? O reframed what and how many distortions accept your idea of \u200b\u200bidentity as manifested through the Internet? identity, after all, is what both makes you unique, I'm just linking to a particular membership.

time membership which is basically amphibious : exist in several contexts simultaneously .
If we think strictly in terms of internet at what filters and shades undergoes what we mean by identity?
speed, ubiquity, accessibility, we were all identities spam ever. The web tests each day our paranoid coefficient : Who, what is the other when your body appears to us entirely mediated? It's that moment in which the distance filter (it affects) fictionally.
Otherness on the web (accepting the other on the web, intercept) implies face his nonphysical presence, your digital presence (virtual).

Two days ago, Alexander Schmidt one of its blogs (Romanticism and truth ) Post:
"Every now and then to send the data on this blog (or other) to emails contained in profiles or elsewhere, other blogs, I get these responses: do we know? Where? Who are you? etc ... well ... other hand, in most cases, no response and others, communication is established, the fulfillment of the purpose (...). "
need is manifest and so often that by default call identity (which is nothing a reading of another, a scan mode to another, reducing it to certain and specific information ) when we come into contact. But in this case we do it in a digital context is superimposed our physical context, which prepares to us a menu of options that until a few decades ago, we were not accustomed.

What, finally, a "friend" who only know Facebook ?
Or, more extreme, someone who know nothing more than your avatar in a metaverse like Second Life ? What
if we choose to introduce socially identity that we formed with the possibilities that the web gives us? Alexander Schmidt continues, referring to those who seek our virtual curriculum ( Napoleon Baroque dixit):
"[They] lack of imagination, the adventure of being the novels read, sleep on the name they played the lot and smash, breed mediocrity, the dryness of spirit ... never occur to me to ask if anyone knows me, where and what is aimed at me or against me are impossible questions, much of the best of my life occurred in the drift, the puzzle, not wanting to know, surrendering ... anyone anywhere and so brings infinite treasure, the swan, the blood air ...

few experiences of being beyond the trust, faith in others (in all, anyone) who exercise and gave their fear or prejudice, grows, multiplies, learns. "
needed to reach this point : the emergence of this "virtual presence" is not a symptom was typical of the web, but rather a situation emphasized that digital media, deepened. A trait that is in danger of extinction. Those
still called digital natives , which grew in a culture predominantly amphibious, are naturally incorporated as elements of networking gadgets that found increasingly widespread modes of sociability. A while ago it's no surprise that more and more couples have been formed on the web.

It is a truism that all urban tribe digital is finally playing and virally. I want to go
an instance of the previous post . Not that we invent from scratch our web identities, but these are packed with imaginary by other overexpanded .
I would remind the Order Tiresias, with multiple mutations of sex and race. But Steiner's dog (and as famous as that of Pavlov) and the proliferation of neĆ³patas .
Do you know who I am?
All. And more.
'm your imaginary .
And I can be a toad .
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