Saturday, July 31, 2010
Ripped Hyman Bleeding
Nothing but obscene profits?

An example , another example . And one more ( no politician who does not broadcast its internet mask). Operators
ideologies that act as marketers and vice versa. For a while mimicry is pure flow in both directions. But where mask ends and begins the role?

Since more or less hidden employees of multinational cibermilitantes-hand communication gaining ground in party structures.
"But it's just that ? "Identities disposable
, trolls politicized?
Speaking of sabotage designed to measure?
Could it be that perhaps this new fauna of agitation navigating digital territories amphibians while mutated at speeds unthinkable generating another presence, another hit, another location of speech? Propagandists
intangible audiences are measured in bits . In this scenario amphibious
what degree of unreality is the Other, any Other? "All the scaffolding speculate furiously predicted the Situationists remains only manipulation and substitution?
"Replacing what?
In fact there is nothing new to the web continues to redefine our concepts and modes of fiction , to the point that fictional format that fueled the media ecology for half a century? I mean that virtual landscape that is raising suspicions on the accuracy of milestones as man on the moon or this terrible spectacle that took place "as Baudrillard called the Gulf War .
desire, horror, aesthetics, there is something that does not cross or be crossed by some source code, do not get the visual reference digital.

's not at all surprising when growing level of neurosis caused by the "digital relationships." Contacts increasingly mediated by the web.
For even called digital natives intimacy is unthinkable without connection to any digital platform. I can not stop thinking about a story that Nicholas Bacal used for work-CD times you 4440.
I copy and paste a snippet of text I wrote for the bootleg:
I copy and paste a snippet of text I wrote for the bootleg:
"In October 2008, Nicholas B. received an email from a friend in which he warned: "'ll tell you what is in the form of fiction because I do not want, or rather I find it hard to accept what happened ." In an era in which a high share of our ways of relating are mediated by the web material is what make up our fictions? What time? what differentiate fiction and desire? Fiction how to adjust our desires and vice versa? "

The information age, we already know, so is the misinformation (or distorted information.) There are other drivers preferred the neópatas or psychopaths network. But how to distinguish good or x-ray the boundaries between information, misinformation or distorted information? Did not move as computer viruses?
Meanwhile, conspiracy theories continue to multiply.
Soon the concept of fiction is suspected of conspiracy.
Meanwhile, conspiracy theories continue to multiply.
Soon the concept of fiction is suspected of conspiracy.
With Webfictions or Fiction Network accounts do not mean (in whatever form, text, audio or video) produced to circulate on the Internet, but the narratives they use (while feeding ) the mismatch between the perceptions of fiction and nonfiction in web.
again where it starts and ends where the effects of the web?
continues the text I wrote for the work of Bacal : "(...) The fact is that [the friend of Nico B.] sent a text message warning him that his girlfriend was waiting at the door of your building . But in truth it still lacked two blocks to go, and needed time as she fell from her apartment. [Just thought]: "I wonder now if seek to gain time, the way we did, is the closest you're going to be a time travel."
continues the text I wrote for the work of Bacal : "(...) The fact is that [the friend of Nico B.] sent a text message warning him that his girlfriend was waiting at the door of your building . But in truth it still lacked two blocks to go, and needed time as she fell from her apartment. [Just thought]: "I wonder now if seek to gain time, the way we did, is the closest you're going to be a time travel."
Friday, July 23, 2010
How Many Points Publix Roast Beef Sub
I go into the library to return a book for my daughter. I look at the comics section . Frank Miller , Alan Moore , Paco Roca, Olivier Ka, David B. ..
And how is that I'm aware that I had all this treasure so close?
tell me that I can take up to fifteen. Pillo eight for the home. Missing people.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
How To Beat Level 46 Pack 3 On Bloons
cryogenically frozen a Veritech
dead, Blooks, pulse, virtual time
Miles. Thousands upon thousands of blogs dead. Detainees. Cryogenic
in virtual . Some brief (few postings). Other large. A blog survives when, still in detention, continues to receive visits.
A book (and the vast majority of websites) are completed. Complete. The blog (or even Twitter) is by definition incomplete. How many times you met a really cool blog whose last posting was dated several months or years? I think it was Cocteau (or Rimbaud ? Unforgivable confusion!) Who described the hours moving from the watch of a dead soldier. A dead blog is usually just the opposite.
is a personal time stops.
A habit put on hold.
should not be strange that whenever we travel the virtual. And we do so many ways. We could also define the virtual as one of the many different times to the biological.
Virtuality is contagious. Addictive. Twitter is a symptom of that "can not get out." A blog can be just a dead end that becomes another blog. It happens a lot. But abandonment, a way to detoxify one of the cultural presence of the virtual. Did
a blook (a book or anthology compilation of blog postings) is an advanced amphibious blog dead? is the foundational difference between books, notebooks, blogs and journals. The first two are finished. They call for greater fullness. The latter may continue forever. Twenty years ago I asked César Aira how many numbers were published in the journal Heaven (which ran alongside Arturo Carrera .) "Next is to get out," he said. Since 1969 we have no news publication.
could paraphrase Mallarmé and say: " the world exists to end on a good blog ." Or better: the blogosphere is not just another state of the world. Naming styles, to exorcise. A blog, like any blog, is a relationship of time and scale. But mostly rate.
is your pulse. The in your writing, your reading.
We become addicted to blogs by seasons. Chapters in a story, more abstract or theoretical to be it. Like a Fotolog.
The blogosphere is another library endless.
But What is the blogosphere? A navigation state. Login a time from many voices. The frequency (the frequency) get a voice (a way to make postings) to become familiar. A blog is a way to build familiarity, more radical or abnormal that it wants to be .
The strangeness and familiarity is also installed, if that is your desire.
always looking for stories.
Although these increasingly less like the classic models articulated by the nineteenth century. We do not know where to start, where he continues, which of their conflict is the most meritorious, or when may end.
For the same blog on hold (whose last posting a blog for too that is not current), uncertainty will always point what happened to that voice? Will you return?
"mutated do?
This is also a tribute to Napoleon Baroque, avatar Second Life left to take a vacation in five years, but let their blogs,
in virtual prisoners until his supposedly- Back to the metaverse is cleared.
is a life situation, or impose our pulse to virtuality, or it forces us to offer up more hours, days, months and years.
I'm rereading the correspondence between Leiris and Bataille. What a pleasure to just read the dates of each letter. Unhurried time reading and writing, even urgency. do good when we do not write only to "make news." The diaries are acceptably infinitely more than agendas.
July 16, 2010. The much-hyped blog blogger Lola Copacabana ( Naughty Bits ) stopped last September.
relations between visuality and virtuality are continuously redefined .
When he died
Dani The O , I spent many times trying to mitigate his blog the absurdity of his absence.
dead, Blooks, pulse, virtual time
Miles. Thousands upon thousands of blogs dead. Detainees. Cryogenic
in virtual . Some brief (few postings). Other large. A blog survives when, still in detention, continues to receive visits.

A book (and the vast majority of websites) are completed. Complete. The blog (or even Twitter) is by definition incomplete. How many times you met a really cool blog whose last posting was dated several months or years? I think it was Cocteau (or Rimbaud ? Unforgivable confusion!) Who described the hours moving from the watch of a dead soldier. A dead blog is usually just the opposite.
is a personal time stops.
A habit put on hold.
should not be strange that whenever we travel the virtual. And we do so many ways. We could also define the virtual as one of the many different times to the biological.

Virtuality is contagious. Addictive. Twitter is a symptom of that "can not get out." A blog can be just a dead end that becomes another blog. It happens a lot. But abandonment, a way to detoxify one of the cultural presence of the virtual. Did
a blook (a book or anthology compilation of blog postings) is an advanced amphibious blog dead? is the foundational difference between books, notebooks, blogs and journals. The first two are finished. They call for greater fullness. The latter may continue forever. Twenty years ago I asked César Aira how many numbers were published in the journal Heaven (which ran alongside Arturo Carrera .) "Next is to get out," he said. Since 1969 we have no news publication.

could paraphrase Mallarmé and say: " the world exists to end on a good blog ." Or better: the blogosphere is not just another state of the world. Naming styles, to exorcise. A blog, like any blog, is a relationship of time and scale. But mostly rate.
is your pulse. The in your writing, your reading.
We become addicted to blogs by seasons. Chapters in a story, more abstract or theoretical to be it. Like a Fotolog.
The blogosphere is another library endless.
But What is the blogosphere? A navigation state. Login a time from many voices. The frequency (the frequency) get a voice (a way to make postings) to become familiar. A blog is a way to build familiarity, more radical or abnormal that it wants to be .
The strangeness and familiarity is also installed, if that is your desire.
always looking for stories.

Although these increasingly less like the classic models articulated by the nineteenth century. We do not know where to start, where he continues, which of their conflict is the most meritorious, or when may end.
For the same blog on hold (whose last posting a blog for too that is not current), uncertainty will always point what happened to that voice? Will you return?
"mutated do?
This is also a tribute to Napoleon Baroque, avatar Second Life left to take a vacation in five years, but let their blogs,

in virtual prisoners until his supposedly- Back to the metaverse is cleared.
is a life situation, or impose our pulse to virtuality, or it forces us to offer up more hours, days, months and years.
I'm rereading the correspondence between Leiris and Bataille. What a pleasure to just read the dates of each letter. Unhurried time reading and writing, even urgency. do good when we do not write only to "make news." The diaries are acceptably infinitely more than agendas.
July 16, 2010. The much-hyped blog blogger Lola Copacabana ( Naughty Bits ) stopped last September.
relations between visuality and virtuality are continuously redefined .
When he died
Dani The O , I spent many times trying to mitigate his blog the absurdity of his absence.
Friday, July 9, 2010
How Do I Request For Monetary Shower
- Reread The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
- Drink Quilmez
- Go to the theater with friends
- not hear the alarm at 6'50
- nap
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Diesel Outlet Online Shop
'm a snark, a Zulu, a bacteria, Porno
About Otherness in the Web Era (post of postings)
How much do you virtualize the web? O reframed what and how many distortions accept your idea of \u200b\u200bidentity as manifested through the Internet? identity, after all, is what both makes you unique, I'm just linking to a particular membership.
time membership which is basically amphibious : exist in several contexts simultaneously .
If we think strictly in terms of internet at what filters and shades undergoes what we mean by identity?
speed, ubiquity, accessibility, we were all identities spam ever. The web tests each day our paranoid coefficient : Who, what is the other when your body appears to us entirely mediated? It's that moment in which the distance filter (it affects) fictionally.
Otherness on the web (accepting the other on the web, intercept) implies face his nonphysical presence, your digital presence (virtual).
Two days ago, Alexander Schmidt one of its blogs (Romanticism and truth ) Post:
"Every now and then to send the data on this blog (or other) to emails contained in profiles or elsewhere, other blogs, I get these responses: do we know? Where? Who are you? etc ... well ... other hand, in most cases, no response and others, communication is established, the fulfillment of the purpose (...). "
need is manifest and so often that by default call identity (which is nothing a reading of another, a scan mode to another, reducing it to certain and specific information ) when we come into contact. But in this case we do it in a digital context is superimposed our physical context, which prepares to us a menu of options that until a few decades ago, we were not accustomed.
What, finally, a "friend" who only know Facebook ?
Or, more extreme, someone who know nothing more than your avatar in a metaverse like Second Life ? What
if we choose to introduce socially identity that we formed with the possibilities that the web gives us? Alexander Schmidt continues, referring to those who seek our virtual curriculum ( Napoleon Baroque dixit):
"[They] lack of imagination, the adventure of being the novels read, sleep on the name they played the lot and smash, breed mediocrity, the dryness of spirit ... never occur to me to ask if anyone knows me, where and what is aimed at me or against me are impossible questions, much of the best of my life occurred in the drift, the puzzle, not wanting to know, surrendering ... anyone anywhere and so brings infinite treasure, the swan, the blood air ...
few experiences of being beyond the trust, faith in others (in all, anyone) who exercise and gave their fear or prejudice, grows, multiplies, learns. "
needed to reach this point : the emergence of this "virtual presence" is not a symptom was typical of the web, but rather a situation emphasized that digital media, deepened. A trait that is in danger of extinction. Those
still called digital natives , which grew in a culture predominantly amphibious, are naturally incorporated as elements of networking gadgets that found increasingly widespread modes of sociability. A while ago it's no surprise that more and more couples have been formed on the web.
It is a truism that all urban tribe digital is finally playing and virally. I want to go
an instance of the previous post . Not that we invent from scratch our web identities, but these are packed with imaginary by other overexpanded .
I would remind the Order Tiresias, with multiple mutations of sex and race. But Steiner's dog (and as famous as that of Pavlov) and the proliferation of neópatas .
Do you know who I am?
All. And more.
'm your imaginary .
And I can be a toad .
About Otherness in the Web Era (post of postings)
How much do you virtualize the web? O reframed what and how many distortions accept your idea of \u200b\u200bidentity as manifested through the Internet? identity, after all, is what both makes you unique, I'm just linking to a particular membership.

time membership which is basically amphibious : exist in several contexts simultaneously .
If we think strictly in terms of internet at what filters and shades undergoes what we mean by identity?
speed, ubiquity, accessibility, we were all identities spam ever. The web tests each day our paranoid coefficient : Who, what is the other when your body appears to us entirely mediated? It's that moment in which the distance filter (it affects) fictionally.
Otherness on the web (accepting the other on the web, intercept) implies face his nonphysical presence, your digital presence (virtual).

Two days ago, Alexander Schmidt one of its blogs (Romanticism and truth ) Post:
"Every now and then to send the data on this blog (or other) to emails contained in profiles or elsewhere, other blogs, I get these responses: do we know? Where? Who are you? etc ... well ... other hand, in most cases, no response and others, communication is established, the fulfillment of the purpose (...). "
need is manifest and so often that by default call identity (which is nothing a reading of another, a scan mode to another, reducing it to certain and specific information ) when we come into contact. But in this case we do it in a digital context is superimposed our physical context, which prepares to us a menu of options that until a few decades ago, we were not accustomed.

What, finally, a "friend" who only know Facebook ?
Or, more extreme, someone who know nothing more than your avatar in a metaverse like Second Life ? What
if we choose to introduce socially identity that we formed with the possibilities that the web gives us? Alexander Schmidt continues, referring to those who seek our virtual curriculum ( Napoleon Baroque dixit):
"[They] lack of imagination, the adventure of being the novels read, sleep on the name they played the lot and smash, breed mediocrity, the dryness of spirit ... never occur to me to ask if anyone knows me, where and what is aimed at me or against me are impossible questions, much of the best of my life occurred in the drift, the puzzle, not wanting to know, surrendering ... anyone anywhere and so brings infinite treasure, the swan, the blood air ...

few experiences of being beyond the trust, faith in others (in all, anyone) who exercise and gave their fear or prejudice, grows, multiplies, learns. "
needed to reach this point : the emergence of this "virtual presence" is not a symptom was typical of the web, but rather a situation emphasized that digital media, deepened. A trait that is in danger of extinction. Those
still called digital natives , which grew in a culture predominantly amphibious, are naturally incorporated as elements of networking gadgets that found increasingly widespread modes of sociability. A while ago it's no surprise that more and more couples have been formed on the web.

It is a truism that all urban tribe digital is finally playing and virally. I want to go
an instance of the previous post . Not that we invent from scratch our web identities, but these are packed with imaginary by other overexpanded .
I would remind the Order Tiresias, with multiple mutations of sex and race. But Steiner's dog (and as famous as that of Pavlov) and the proliferation of neópatas .
Do you know who I am?
All. And more.
'm your imaginary .
And I can be a toad .
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