Why not understand the Troll as a aesthetics ?
Is not it? I mean one look . One way to be seen .

In fables inspired by Nordic mythology is nothing that a function: it represents a way of behaving (the linkbaiting can become a fashion of our base emotions ). Envy and resentment and all its derivatives and its tributaries. trolls are not born, but mutated in them. The Deleuzian well may say, we become trolls.
Again, a troll is a trademark of low visibility. In a culture of electronic networks the troll becomes visible in the comments .

Umberto Eco "devotes a chapter in his History of Ugliness ? It would be nice to argue that we were most interested in art Feist the last two centuries is the reflection-subsequent to the demonstration, the ugliness of as their own, as a way of self-analysis . How do we participate in that low?
Banality of Evil (Hannah Arendt dixit): under many masks we hide? Evil can be fun if you happen to others.
no coincidence that the electronic trolls are at 99% anonymous . Anything less is a symptom: few want to take over that aspect own. I'm not saying anything we do not know if I describe the troll as shock. Although it would be too simplistic to delineate only as other social modes of "catharsis do."

However, it should not move obvious. The "state-troll " always implies a target . Somewhere to shoot ( a troll by definition never download against himself). The troll understands that white violates it, takes away something: visibility Or perhaps what the troll is trying to contaminate the visibility?
In the ecology of media invariably the troll is a polluting factor. is pollution. Why not is ironic that many media continue to give so much attention to the comments , which are the biggest troll preserve (some even say to the media comments are like on TV rating will it be as well?). Such reason has when Guillermo Piro insists comments are almost always written by someone who is sick in the head . And immediately clear: only worthwhile when the expansion of the commentary is moderate.

That is, when the dialog we can not hide under no mask . When it is necessary
becoming-troll. Information
polluted in opinologĂa trash! Something egocentric
poorly digested in the trolls. Look at me! As demanded certain subjects in a Laurie Anderson song ( Language is a virus.)
I am absolutely in favor of comment moderation. Tomorrow we will undertake to
Lux Lindner another of those experiments that we all love : A public walk through the exhibition entitled The Futurist Universe . That is, we propose footnotes page-oral, occasional comments, calligraphy vocal on the sidelines of the exhibition of the hosts of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and his boys can be visited at Foundation Buenos Aires bow.

That is the maximum difference with the aggressive trolls : after all, a troll is something outside, a voice that pollute but which nobody is responsible. The troll wants to have no subject, produced as a simple and powerful statement corrosive.
Subject "trash? Absolutely at its lowest level. Waste
information is surpassed only by those who consume it.
Behaviors "Trolls : Members actively causing conflicts.
Hunters or provoking trolls: They behave according to the principle of 'second shot." not initiate the conflict, but intensified when it begins. Other trolls often use as an excuse for their own bad behavior, and in many cases qualify a user as troll, despite the latter purposes.
Indifferent: They try to ignore the conflict, continuing the original topic of discussion. Often expressed disdain for the troll carefree, but not actively pursue insult. They behave like big brothers, spreading words of wisdom like "Do not nourish the trolls" or other phrases that normally mean the same thing: "Ignore the boisterous and so give up and go away." Such responses can be taken as a passive-aggressive provocateur trolls. Moderators
: No moderators of the system but users attempting to "solve" the conflict, pleasing to all parties if possible. Viewers
: We depart from the conflict. In particularly bad cases, leave the forum in disgust. Kidnappers
: start a discussion off topic in response to a troll provocative messages.
trolls Non-: Members who are qualified to troll for other users or moderators to be more easily silenced and discredited. "
A statement that you want to build a" complaint effect "-to emphasize that claim unduly visibility and transforms itself into a spectacle of misery cultural.
Hunters or provoking trolls: They behave according to the principle of 'second shot." not initiate the conflict, but intensified when it begins. Other trolls often use as an excuse for their own bad behavior, and in many cases qualify a user as troll, despite the latter purposes.
Indifferent: They try to ignore the conflict, continuing the original topic of discussion. Often expressed disdain for the troll carefree, but not actively pursue insult. They behave like big brothers, spreading words of wisdom like "Do not nourish the trolls" or other phrases that normally mean the same thing: "Ignore the boisterous and so give up and go away." Such responses can be taken as a passive-aggressive provocateur trolls. Moderators
: No moderators of the system but users attempting to "solve" the conflict, pleasing to all parties if possible. Viewers
: We depart from the conflict. In particularly bad cases, leave the forum in disgust. Kidnappers
: start a discussion off topic in response to a troll provocative messages.
trolls Non-: Members who are qualified to troll for other users or moderators to be more easily silenced and discredited. "
A statement that you want to build a" complaint effect "-to emphasize that claim unduly visibility and transforms itself into a spectacle of misery cultural.
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