I know, we are fed up ready-mades. Still need to give another turn to the already overstretched and diluted concept to get a bit more like a gadget iPad, the new star of Apple.

Forget the "out of context" and draw near to reuse. Ready made is primarily an object reuse in another form. Does not interest me as much as perversion of collecting (the possibility of making a flea market art museum), but this bottle enabled sensitive condition: the act of taking something and give a different reading. What else is found footage?
As technology insists produce new platforms (the renewal of context on the content ) the ready made pushes us to provide other value (new meaning) to an object without incident. This is the political principle. Another way to make something different.

Jarvis Cocker: "Best of the decade? Shuffle! (Vote in Rolling Stone last ).
Here the readymade is about to remake : back on the same but pushes it in another direction. is not dreaming of a new door, but suspect that the door can lead us elsewhere.
is precisely at this junction, where aesthetics should stop being contemplative (he left the aesthetic theorist) to amplify its function: transform the perversion of value use perversion. Aesthetics should present itself as a GPS involved, contaminated: show us the way by which one wants to lead.
The eBook , as the iPad invite us to connect with the same content differently. Leaner, more practical (review this last word). The readymade and found footage tell us that on the same platform is camouflaged a new planet.

For no other reason what we mean by ready made serves us very little. Because not enough any object moving to another area (An exhibition). This is forcing him to pervert his sense produce another narrative.
The rereading of an author as Leonidas Lamborghini are exemplary in what I say.
Against Me! Axl Rose Reiventing .
technology lives on the expiry of a platform. After all, one of its central figures are appliances. When we buy a laptop know that soon become garbage. A bottle as well as an antique, you know that term is pure fantasy. No need to fight the shelf life of a platform. On the contrary, we should investigate more in the style Han Solo: Do \u200b\u200bnot forget that the Millennium Falcon was a ship almost obsolete.

We would love our sense arduino not be simplified in the mere fact of staging a prototype alternative. But encourage the passage uchronic: any gadget can provide a narrative that does not match at all with the official version. Opening to other fiction, tune into the channel from another dimension.
What I like about the website, its dynamics, it is accessibility, that "have everything so handy, but its infinite capacity for cross-and-run, his wonderful metaphor navigation . Cyberspace not a huge library or archive with everything in place, but as a highway where a URL is just another connector URL with another URL and so on indefinitely. I think my paranoia Contagious tests pounded enough with this option.

is the basic difference between divination and decryption . The latter stems from the possibility of a destination: everything is planned in advance. We walked through the maze someone built. Divination, without closing this option enables others: perhaps the maze ever. If a winter's night a traveler. Best of the compasses is that they can go crazy.
Magritte knew that a pipe is not a pipe. One of the cornerstones of (500) days of Summer (of Marc Webb) are the positions swapped characters: Finn Summer (Zooey Deschanel ) does not believe in destiny. Tom Henson (Joseph Gordon-Leavitt ) wants to exceed chance.
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The art continues to invent procedures that should never be restricted to the halls of a museum . Advertisers know this very well. We should be more outsmart them.
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