Culture and recycling policies
Recycling can be understood in two senses. Or three.

Here. First . propose a new cycle to an object, material, even an experience. insist on the same, but otherwise. omit or abdicate the possibility of starting from scratch.
Segundo. persist in submitting to that object, or material or experience the same cycle, with the aim of deepening effects. In this case repetition loop in charge. "We would understand
the ready-made adscribiéramos if the first possibility? Say it is another trip for the same ship . With the exception of one invent functions previously had been awarded.

This possibility (this extended sense, with all the political, economic and aesthetic mostly entails) was and continues to constitute, as we know, a major scandals modernity.
Of course, in our age of digital reproducibility alternatives become even more complex (check Mercedes Bunz). We live in virtual recycle time literally uncontrollable. Return to this point. In
the case of trash, recycling is directly invent (the object, material, etc) a new life. Another life. This is a key difference with the ready-made. Somehow, the trash does not get rid of its past "under" .
obedience to a theory of value could say that in the ready-made object leaves the destination below to go to another site while the trash displacement is minimal or even no .
The trash does not change the state, but only assessment.
There were those who saw in the ready-made a kind of parody of transubstantiation. The trash belongs, of course, to the second possibility.
But I said there was a third, which is what interests me at this time. And it is ( Third) of another rate provide .
cycle change such as changes in pulse progress.
Of course, in our age of digital reproducibility alternatives become even more complex (check Mercedes Bunz). We live in virtual recycle time literally uncontrollable. Return to this point. In
the case of trash, recycling is directly invent (the object, material, etc) a new life. Another life. This is a key difference with the ready-made. Somehow, the trash does not get rid of its past "under" .
obedience to a theory of value could say that in the ready-made object leaves the destination below to go to another site while the trash displacement is minimal or even no .

The trash does not change the state, but only assessment.
There were those who saw in the ready-made a kind of parody of transubstantiation. The trash belongs, of course, to the second possibility.
But I said there was a third, which is what interests me at this time. And it is ( Third) of another rate provide .
cycle change such as changes in pulse progress.
We only have to remember gender as the cool jazz or trip-hop . Even the slow-rock . If the first purchases his legend in malfunction of recording equipment (runs slower on the register slowdown tempo original implementation), the trip-hop and slow rock mounted and perfected this failure, making their subsequent proceedings style.
If we agree with Nicolas Bourriaud that "the major aesthetic fact of our time lies in the crossing of the respective properties of space and time , which transforms the latter into something so tangible as a hotel room, there is little doubt about the capital of this speed change. Bourriaud continues: "For these new modes of spatialization of time, contemporary art forms suitable place to capture the experience of the world, through practical could call time-specific, in response to site-specific art of '60s, and the introduction in the composition of works of figures taken from the spatial displacement (rancid, journeys, expeditions). "
may object to me: not every change in the structure is properly recycled. But the fact is that tempo change makes everything change following (almost) exactly the same and yet different. speed (more, less) reinvents the time.
How cycles are altered in the era of speed? This question ends definitely be conclusive. Recycling
involved in all cases, we advance, another orbiting, orbit configuration differential.
It is difficult to agree with Diedrich Diederichsen : the loop expands and enforces. And our cultural perceptions are directly proportional to the tempo of these loops .
Recycling finally perverts abandonment. Stretch. Loop perhaps is not a way to not go? also perpetuate the goal, no doubt. Meta by definition never leaves the starting point .
wrote recently: "One way not to go." I need to clarify. not go, yes, but not to reaffirm the closeness . Recycling (and loop) allow us to be very, very far without moving on the same site .

If we agree with Nicolas Bourriaud that "the major aesthetic fact of our time lies in the crossing of the respective properties of space and time , which transforms the latter into something so tangible as a hotel room, there is little doubt about the capital of this speed change. Bourriaud continues: "For these new modes of spatialization of time, contemporary art forms suitable place to capture the experience of the world, through practical could call time-specific, in response to site-specific art of '60s, and the introduction in the composition of works of figures taken from the spatial displacement (rancid, journeys, expeditions). "
may object to me: not every change in the structure is properly recycled. But the fact is that tempo change makes everything change following (almost) exactly the same and yet different. speed (more, less) reinvents the time.

How cycles are altered in the era of speed? This question ends definitely be conclusive. Recycling
involved in all cases, we advance, another orbiting, orbit configuration differential.
It is difficult to agree with Diedrich Diederichsen : the loop expands and enforces. And our cultural perceptions are directly proportional to the tempo of these loops .
Recycling finally perverts abandonment. Stretch. Loop perhaps is not a way to not go? also perpetuate the goal, no doubt. Meta by definition never leaves the starting point .
wrote recently: "One way not to go." I need to clarify. not go, yes, but not to reaffirm the closeness . Recycling (and loop) allow us to be very, very far without moving on the same site .