heart, born to love.
born to the soul, born to the essence.
These seminars they want to be a guide to life, where the goal is to move towards the autonomy of the self through the exploration of love, life and creativity.
In every birth there is a movement. At birth the movement itself is the recognition, understanding and experience of all our aspects that form a greater whole.
recognize who we are. Dare to experience the intimacy with oneself, daring to explore different aspects of our personality in order to establish a deep and sincere dialogue with those who we really are. Why? In the name of what? The love of love itself, the embodiment and implementation.
Align life, vision
In order to become a teacher.
This examination is offered to you in the form of seminars to be strung out over several months in order to allow integration into your daily life different levels of awareness and healing.
The tools used during these workshops will be:
- Bodywork through body movements and energy awakening.
- The exploration of consciousness through introspection tools like mental imagery and visualization.
This first level of recognition will live in the heart of the body, privileged place in our unconscious. In our body is inscribed our history, our search for identity. In our body also inhabits our true nature, what we have learned to shape what was expected of us, what we have learned to dress to please to others, what we have learned to silence us.
Participants will receive tools that will enable them to establish a dialogue with this body that after so long retains its truth. This dialogue will explore the multiple identities hidden under its physical packaging, the temple of our souls: identity with the parents, society, beliefs that have built up his ego ...
born, born to a land that welcomes us to allow our realization

This second level of recognition helps the participants to be aware of their relationship with love. Loving behavior is referred to in depth. All will be taken to trace the thread of his story, to see the schemes that have been repeated throughout his life. You can see if they have lived love affairs were born into a free heart or a broken heart. This test will heal the heart conditioned by suffering, by opening to happiness.
born himself, is also born
Take heart, accept, welcome
All related injuries
love to heal and eventually they could be open to the love
Towards self and those around us.
The seminar born of the soul , discusses the intimate relationship with our soul and its expression in the incarnation. Participants will be encouraged to establish a dialogue between soul and personality. This dialogue is the key that opens the door giving access to our inner nature. Issues such as the purpose of the incarnation, the real identity, the nature of our essence, will be presented throughout this exploration of love.
Some councils will also be telecast in order to facilitate listening and understanding the soul of messages sent to us so that they can use in creating our lives. Once you choose life, we choose life and is metamorphosed into a game where every experience becomes the bearer of information to help us move forward and evolve the way, our way. Nacer
the soul is born
The inner life and spirituality
Seminars body Nacer, Nacer Nacer the heart and soul, are now led by a team formed Diploma in MLC © by Marie Lise Labonté.
The development and content of the Seminar "Born to himself" are respected in full, as I was passed by Marie Lise Labonté.
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