"The future is boring " Mark Dery usually answer when asked about the transformation of their focus (of interest around fifteen years cybercultures to immersion in a encyclopedic cultural pathologies in recent times).
I think a lot have to learn from this response.

One cybercultures "continue to profit-over theoretically is not the future as it was tradition? Again reading Maffesoli come to meet us: whether we are regaining the kindred by other means what future we are talking about?
Two. To narratives such as Dery and Erik Davis (back to Techgnosis ) cybercultures manifested as pure altering our principles of cultural reality. Acted as a sort of mystical drug (not far from his back: Terence McKenna enacting that culture is our operating system ). This movement of break (technology divorced from the ideology of progress of modernity, mysticism enthroned as brand new) becomes an equation that is modified under our noses.

Neither more nor less: relationships between technology and religion ( new rituals, old myths ) come back again and again, remixed with other parameters.
Three. The border between the physical and virtual continues to be mediated by the specter of death . At this junction, religious statements are put on the agenda. Digital virtuality requires a lot of physical energy (maintaining a Twitter channel demand many hours in front of a screen). And simultaneously, the resulting visual is amplifying the realm of mediation (the intermodificaciones between visuality and virtuality are one of the hardest core of our contemporary).

Our avatars do not age. "There will be some time in the digital age as a canvas or oils?
We continue our (s) stand (s).
Four. Ages design, not virtuality. Ages visuality, not bits. There is no religion that does not feed on the vulnerability of our bodies.
Five. Drivers were never very well regarded by society. Probably because it created their lodges, their sects. It was a secret way to grow apart from their employers.
Six. The technophobia is not what it was. If the technophobic is not recognized by his aversion to technology, but on the contrary, in its choice of technology earlier today this room is becoming thinner. Think of how archetypes-champions look, inside and outside the fictional narrative.
The real creators of cybercultures- Richard Stallman Jaron Lanier Zepel to - look closer Berger in Hair film that Neo in Matrix -. More here, but think the hacker Plague the Millennium trilogy by Stieg Larsson of . Does Silicon Valley is not the capital of contemporary fashion? The geeks know better than anyone.
Seven. The best technology reinvents our neurosis. And it does so so fine that rearticulates our perception of reality without being noticed. How many times have we read the word Twitter in the pages of a newspaper? Neither more or less: Twitter, Facebook or Youtube are words that are repeated in the media more often than many technicalities of politics and economy that until recently went through the statements of the news.

suddenly not all write or film Amen (se). Variously say nobody wants to stop this in virtual .
Eight. culture promoted by the digital virtual internet by definition is ubiquitous. It's everywhere. Even in your pockets for your iPhone, that cyberspace tailored to your pants. Enroll- social networks through-in virtual feeds the fantasy of being always present, but very few know about it. Can there today the public without the web?
Nine. Voodoo is practiced today in source code. How modifying your presence in virtual environments are not altering your integrity in the physical world?