hate to use the space for comments to contact me. From now begin to systematically erase militantly any comments that do not relate to the topics covered in the postings.

is true, often it take to answer emails . I get a lot and every time I have less downtime. Not a good combination. But I live and somehow I'm happy. Patience with
mails sent to me. Soil read them all and take them into account. while ago I'm pretty overwhelmed, and I usually miss many things I like and are interested. Even the post, which makes me But I balance. Pure mental footing. Writing essays is the same, but with other elements. Plots of my ways of being in the world.

write postings (not refurbished trials, but postings) that basically have two triggers: I'm collecting links (I love surfing the Web) and photographs that the vast majority of the network meeting and then capture my attention. Comments on this blog are enabled by providing opportunities for dialogue about what is interesting me at all times. Are traces, trying to find out how consumer information and what I do with it. Victoria Lescano
wrote a delightful book, Prêt-à-Rocker . His previous book is also wonderful. I loved that Damian Tabarovsky approached our scripts under the same symptom: information as a waste or gift, a hypothesis which ventured into the back of my collection of essays Contagious paranoia. (By the way I clarify: the latest version of a text of mine is the only one that took into account.

leave some text for the sake of originality, not repeating or whatever. What I write is a trail, which is and reusing as much as I please. Everything writing is temporary. The latest version of anything I've written is a temporary version also, but closer to me today. If I go back to those words is because I wanted to do something different with them.)
My postings are repeated. And always incorporate everything I say. I like to think the blogosphere as a community conversation. I am extremely grateful to all those who accompany me for a long time in this task. Moments Diego, Fabiana de Artilunio, Ana Mao and Lenin, among some others. Some people experiment virtually as very close without much told us, as happens to me with a blog as City Multicolor (all my roll cases observed in the left column.) I find courage to move founding between concepts so as casual.

This post is being written in another way: without the guiding direction of links or images . Of the latter only say that I find excellent triggers for some ideas or occurrences that are swirling me some time. Terrific portrait of Vicente Grondona behind of Schoijett Rosana, a friend I admire the production for years. I do not know if you remember but we met at a festipunk when we were still teenagers. It seems very good also photo editors my Black Box (Ezekiel Fanego and Mats Diego) reported the meeting to profess output The electronic revolution of William Burroughs (there I am, the scene of the late Cultural Center Moca, along with the duo of Pablos, Schanton and Martin . My obeisance to both and Cajanegra .

In terms of blogs, especially of this leaflet titled Cippodromo Cippodromon and is one month is very unusual: he had never posted so little. To the extent that this is the only posting of Cippodromo in August. Moreover, each posting, casual readers know, due to a hypothesis in keeping web. In this scenario there is any. I'm just gathering some of what I left behind in the ink. A blog is not only a minimal X-ray of a brain, but life, period. All unbearable usually being given in this blog appointment. Hopefully
month are finishing well. Hopefully
have a good balance.
For now, this concludes posting here.